The listing below provides links to information on our collaborative committees
We collaborate with our partners and communities to help deliver our mission

The collaborative is a unique organization developed by its many partners to fill gaps in services and reduce duplication. Members include county social service, public health, and corrections agencies; school districts; mental health providers; and other child-serving agencies. PACT for Families and its partners are dedicated to changing systems to be more prevention-focused and family-friendly.
Full Collaborative

early childhood committee
The focus of the Early Childhood Committee is to enhance the cognitive, physical and social/emotional development of children from prenatal through age five. The committee looks for ways to help all early childhood agencies and programs work together to meet the needs of our youngest children and families. We strive to identify and address gaps in services. The committee's mission statement is: to enhance early childhood mental health services in the five counties.

The mission of the 5 County Children’s LAC is: to use the knowledge of a broad range of people to improve local mental health services, especially those who use mental health services. Participation is encouraged by family members, those who provide services and those who are concerned about public policy.
5-county children's lac

9-25 committee
The 9 to 25 committee uses data from the SHARE and other surveys/research to identify concerns related to children and adolescents ages 9 to 25 in the PACT five-county area. The 9 to 25 committee divides into topical work groups to develop specific initiatives around the goals of the larger group. While mainly dealing with issues related to children and youth, this group’s focus is on the identified areas of concern rather than any specific age-related group.

parent advisory committee
Parent Advisory: This committee is open to parents and caregivers of children who have mental health concerns. Their focus is being a voice for children with mental health issues, identifying gaps in services, and networking with parents and organizations in the five counties of PACT for Families and statewide...