What is a Children's Local Advisory Council?
Mission: The purpose of the LAC is to use the knowledge of a broad range of people to improve local mental health services, especially those who use mental health services. As well, participation is encouraged by their family members, those who provide services and those who are concerned about public policy. Minnesota statutes require counties to establish local mental health advisory councils or mental health subcommittees of other councils. The Act gives LACs a broad role in the review, evaluation and planning of local systems.
• Recommend: Make recommendations regarding services provided by the local children’s mental health system. The LAC is to provide the county board with a report of unmet mental health needs of children in the county at least annually.
• Plan: The LAC is to be involved in the development of mental health planning for the counties.
• Coordinate: Receive input from providers regarding coordination of care between services.
• Inform: Identify for the County Board individuals and agencies to receive information on predictors and symptoms of emotional disturbances, where mental health services are available in the county, and how to access the services.
• Identify Needs: Seek input from parents, former consumers, providers and others about the needs of children with emotional disturbance in the local area and services needed by families of these children.
• Report: The LAC is to report its recommendations regarding the local mental health system to the State Advisory Council on Mental Health.
• Other
o Policy Recommendations
o Develop and conduct public educations activities on behalf of the county board.