Journey to Independence (JTI) is a Federally Funded Program through a four-year SAMHSA (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration) grant that provides transition services for youth ages 14 – 21 who struggle with recognized SED/SMI or emerging mental health issues. Youth are assisted in developing greater self-sufficiency and independence while emphasizing the role of parents/guardians in guiding and supporting their youth through the transition to adulthood.
Youth supports are provided by Transition COACH Facilitators who utilize the Transition to Independence Planning (TIP) Model ® using the five domains of:
Employment and Career
Educational Opportunity
Living Situation
Personal Effectiveness and Wellbeing
Community Life Functioning
Family supports are provided by a Family Liaison to enhance the skills and knowledge of parents/guardians as they support their JTI youth. Using a strength-based youth and family-driven approach; parents/guardians are provided one-to-one support visits, educational workshops on transitional needs, and connection to community resources.
Referrals can be made by:
Family members
School staff
Social Service staff
Mental Health or Community providers
Youth self-referral
For more information contact:
Jenn @ 320-444-8827 jenn.pauff@pactforfamilies.org
Journey to Independence is made possible through grant funding from SAMHSA.