aces (Adverse Childhood Experiences)
More Resilient Minnesota Project Community Conversations | Partnership with FamilyWise

More Resilient Minnesota seeks to improve the health and resilience of current and future generations. Resilience includes individuals’ inherent strengths and nurtured capacities as well as the resources and supports of their families, communities, and cultures.
Following the Self-Healing Communities approach, Children’s Mental Health and Family Services Collaboratives educate their communities about neurobiology, epigenetics, ACEs, and resilience research (NEAR Science) and train local presenters to share this information widely throughout their communities.
Collaboratives then move from awareness of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) to action. They engage and gather input from a diverse representation of community members in their areas through Community Resilience Conversations with groups of people and/or 100 Cups of Coffee Interviews with individuals. This community wisdom and local data guide Collaboratives as they develop Community Resilience Plans.
Collaboratives will then have the opportunity to pilot Community Resilience Initiatives outlined in their Community Resilience Plans and also use those plans to leverage funding and provide strategic direction for their activities.
Download the More Resilient Minnesota Overview

ACES coalition